

1:30PM - 3:00PM Concurrent Sessions I

  1. The Influence of Locale

UCEN Santa Barbara Harbor Room

  • Theresa Adams: “Tourism and Embodiment in Keats’s Burns Country”

  • Paul Kerry: George Bancroft’s Romanticism

  • Omar F. Miranda: “Empire and Exile Upended in The Last Man

  • Christopher Rovee: “The Rhetoric of Authority: Dorothy Wordsworth circa 1930”

2. Romantic Abolition, Religion and Politics

UCEN State Street Room

  • Deena Al-halabieh: “Circulating Abolition in Romantic-Era Quakerism”

  • Katherine Gaffney: “Mary Wollstonecraft’s Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark as Feminist Disability Life-Writing”

  • Amy Gates: “Pestiferous Persuasion: Burke, Wollstonecraft, and Burial Reform Rhetoric”

3. Shelley Revisioned

UCEN Mission Room

  • John Aulich: “Liszt’s Mazeppa: Struggle, transcendence and the rhetoric of virtuosity in Transcendental Étude No. 4”

  • Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud: “Generic Politics: Tragedy, Farce, and Shelley’s Cenci”

  • Alexandra Rowe: “A New ‘Supernaturalism’: How the Rhetoric of Religion-Nature was Replaced by the Rhetoric of Fiction-Nature”


3:00PM - 4:30PM Concurrent Sessions II

4. Wordsworth, Persuasion, and Romantic Subjectivity

UCEN Santa Barbara Harbor Room


5. A Reflection on the Romantic Circles/K-SAA Anti-Racist Pedagogies Colloquium

UCEN State Street Room

  • Mahasweta Baxipatra

  • Hilary Fezzey

6. Mary Shelley and Feminist Environments

UCEN Mission Room

  • Christopher Cappello: “Shelley and Hoffmann: A Comparative Reading”

  • Ashlin Cross: “Environmental Sovereignty in Mary Shelley’s The Last Man”

  • Yuan Zhao: “Feminist Reading on Frame Narrative in Frankenstein: Masculine/Feminine Frames, and Feminine Vitality”


5:30PM – 7:30PM Opening Cocktail Reception

Faculty Club Patio

FRIDAY, Oct. 21


9:00AM - 10:30AM Concurrent Sessions III

7. Colonialism and Romantic Narratives of Resistance

UCEN Santa Barbara Harbor Room

  • Zoe Beenstock: “Horace Walpole’s ‘Dark Sayings’ on Colonial Rhetoric”

  • Karen Hadley: “The Hessian Fly and the ‘Diseases of the Earth’ in Blake’s poems America and Europe

  • Matthew Leporati: “‘Mark well my words! they are of your eternal salvation’: William Blake’s Milton as Missionary against Empire”

8. Reading Wordsworth

UCEN State Street Room

  • Rajarshi Banerjee: “Broken Continuity: Life, Mind, and Wordsworth’s ‘Never-ending Line’”

  • Minho Maeng: “Wordsworth's Reading Demographic”

  • Daniel Stout: “Double Negative Capability: Litotes and Description in Wordsworth”

  • Diego Alegria: “The Rhetoric of Syntax: Ellipsis in William Wordsworth and Rubén Darío”

9. Romantic History and the Novel

UCEN Mission Room

  • Scott Caddy: “Mapping Persuasive Elements of the Historical Novel in the Romantic Period”

  • Lisu Wang: “Two Rhetorical Devices in Gaskell's Wives and Daughters”

  • Agata Żaglewska: “Romantic performing of national leadership. Adam Mickiewicz’s strategies of autocreation”


10:30AM - 12:00PM Concurrent Sessions IV

10. Female Writers and the Rhetoric of Interiority (Innerlichkeit)

UCEN Santa Barbara Harbor Room

  • Beate Allert: “Interiority in Anette von Droste-Hülshoff’s lyrical poetry:Die Mergelgrube (The Marlpit)”

  • Amy Emm: “Theatrical Persuasion: Uncloseting Dramas by Karoline von Günderrode”

  • Christina Weiler: “Performative Rhetoric: Agency, Curses, and Confinement in Sophie Tieck’s Fairy Tale ‘Der Einsiedler und die Nonne’ (‘The Hermit and the Nun’)”

11. Rhetoric, Romanticism, and Politics

UCEN State Street Room

  • Andrew Elfenbein: “The Rhetoric of Fragmented Cognition in Byron’s Giaour”

  • Nadia Schuman: “Political Romanticism: Examining 19th-Century German Romantic Rhetoric and Political Discourse to Mediate Contemporary Political Tensions”

  • Miriam Wallace: “Romantic Oration and Embodied Rhetoric”

12. Romanticism and Race

UCEN Mission Room

  • Shaun F.D. Hughes: “Heinrich Zschokke (1771-1848) and Race: Unresolved Contradictions”

  • Rachael King: “Circulating Abolition in Romantic-Era Quakerism”

  • Beatrice Sanford Russell: “Subtlety in an Age of Revolution”

  • Tristram Wolff: “German Romanticism in the Harlem Renaissance”


12:00PM - 1:30PM Lunch on your own


1:30PM - 2:30PM Plenary Address I

Lily Gurton-Wachter: “Reading by Firefly: Nature Poetry in the Age of Abolition”

Faculty Club


3:30PM - 5:00PM Ladies: Theater and Discussion with Playwright Kit Steinkellner

Learn more about Kit and Ladies on our theater page!

UCSB Theater


5:30PM Excursions to Goleta and Santa Barbara




9:00AM - 10:30AM Concurrent Sessions VI

13. Romantic Science and Technology

UCEN Santa Barbara Harbor Room

  • Mark Canuel: “Jacobin Technologies”

  • Wendy C. Nielsen: “Resisting Illness as Metaphor: Wellness Self-Care in the Romantic Period”

  • Ivan Ortiz: “Organized Innocence: Greta Thunberg and the Rhetoric of Romantic Childhood”

14. The Romantic Pharmacy

UCEN State Street Room

  • Annelle Curulla and Lauren Ravalico: “Tropical Medicine: Matriarchy and the Environment in Paul et Virginie”

  • Clorinda Donato: “Romantic Rhetorical Seduction and Its Genealogies in Corinne ou l’Italie”

  • Daisy Reid: “The Venomous Vegetal: Feminine Sexuality and/as ‘Vegetable Poison’ in Romanticism”

  • Kylie Sago: “Toxic Affects: Abolitionist Sentimentality and Racialized Feeling in Early 19th-Century France”

15. Re-writing Disability and Gender: Rhetoric and/as Subversion

UCEN Mission Room

  • Abigail Giordano: “Aging, Disabled, and Powerful: Feminine Agency in Charlotte Smith’s The Old Manor House”

  • Elizabeth Quarles: “Disability Rhetoric in George Crabbe’s ‘Peter Grimes’ and William Wordsworth ‘The Thorn’”

  • Kathy Beres Rogers: “The Rhetoric of Relativism in Frances Burney’s Camilla: Deformity, Idiocy, and the ‘Freak Show’”

  • Fuson Wang: “Persuading Idiots: Lucy Aikin and the Legacy of Ableist Feminist Rhetoric”


10:30AM - 12:00PM Concurrent Sessions VII

16. Romanticism and Digital Methodologies

UCEN Santa Barbara Harbor Room

  • Mark Algee-Hewitt: “Religion Remix’d: Blake’s Prophetic Poetry through a Computational Lens”

  • Ryan-James Heuser: “From the Romance to the Romantic Novel: A Digital Anatomy of Romantic Fiction”

  • Danielle Spratt: “Public Digital Humanities: Decolonial Approaches to Finding Aids for the Nineteenth-Century Archives and Canon”

17. Ekphrasis, Rhetoric, and the (Im)mediacy of Representation

UCEN State Street Room

  • Catriona Macleod: “‘Now understand what the cave and the hiding dragon signify’: Goethe’s Philostratus Between Classicism and Romanticism”

  • Allen Madin: “‘Ein jedes Tier in eurem Reich muß ein Stück von seiner Haut dazugeben’ or why a fairy tale is not a fable”

  • Margaret Strair: “The Body of the Klecksographien: Justinus Kerner and the Rhetoric of Visual Nihilism”

  • Ella Wilhelm: “‘Ich liege am Busen der unendlichen Welt’: on the erotics of ekphrasis in Schleiermacher’s Über die Religion (1799)”


12:00PM - 1:30PM Lunch on your own

12:00PM - 1:30PM ICR Board Luncheon

Faculty Club


1:30PM - 3:30PM Concurrent Sessions VIII

18. Romantic Narrative Forms

UCEN Santa Barbara Harbor Room

  • Summer Star: “Reversing the Moral Figure-Ground: Persuasion and its Counterfeits in Austen’s Mansfield Park”

  • Brandon Wernette: “Aesthetic Oblivion, or Forgetting in the Poetry of Wordsworth, Smith, and White”

  • Lori Yamato: “This Story Is about You: Hans Christian Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard on Reading Fables”

20. Romanticism and Feeling

UCEN Mission Room

  • Jan Maramot: “Whitmanian Romanticism: Lyricization, Racialization, and Queer Address”

  • Robert Mottram: “Sleepless Night: Annette von Droste-Hülshoff and the Poetics of Affect”

  • James Rasmussen: “The Persuasions of the Gift in Herder and Hölderlin”

  • Joseph Rockelmann: “Ekphrasis and Art in Ludwig Tieck’s Franz Sternbalds Wanderungen”

19. Rhetoric and the Public Sphere

UCEN State Street Room

  • Alastair Hunt: “Radical Animals: Delimiting Equality in Paine, Wollstonecraft, and Taylor”

  • Josh Brewer: “Race, Rhetoric, Reception: Reinterpreting Rhizomes”

  • Julian Whitney: “Ottobah Cugoano, The Post-Racial, and British Futurity”

  • Smith Yarberry: “Enough! Or Too Much: The Political Sermons of Ottobah Cugoano & William Blake”


3:30PM - 5:00PM In Honor of Fred Burwick

Faculty Club Pavilion

  • Christopher Clason: “E.T.A. Hoffmann and the Theater: Irony, Play-Acting, and the ‘Cure’ for Artistic Madness”

  • James Donelan: “Keats and the Romantic Life”

  • Larry Peer: “Reading Heathcliff”

  • Anthony Wood: “The Short Story and the World of East Asia Short Fiction”


5:00PM - 6:30PM Plenary Address II

Aimée Boutin: “The Persuasive Paratext in Marceline Desbordes-Valmore’s Poetry”

Faculty Club Pavilion


6:30PM - 7:30PM Cocktail Hour

Faculty Club Terrace


7:30PM - 9:30PM Closing Banquet, Awards, and Presentations

President’s Remarks

Faculty Club Terrace

** Please make sure that you pay registration for the banquet if you plan to attend! More details on the registration page.**